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Google Giveth, and Taketh Away

A number of Google services just announced that they are about to shut down. The Google Video team announced that it will shut down uploads in a few months, while the Google Notebook team announced that it is stopping development (the service will continue to function, however). According to Danny Sullivan, Google is also closing Jaiku, a Twitter-like micro-blogging service that was bought by Google before it even launched, but which has lingered in invite-only mode ever since. Google Catalog search, which made shopping catalogs searchable, will also be closed soon.

Перевожу с буржуйского. Гугль закрывает ряд сервисов: больше не будет аплоадов видео на гугль видео (советуют идти на ютуб), гугль нотебук (который я пытался использовать) не будет обновлятся, а сервис микроблоггинка Jaiku закрылся, не открывшись.